A Tip for to Response to Your Customer Quickly〜お客様からの質問に迅速に答えるためのコツ〜

A Tip for to Response to Your Customer Quickly

Hello, I’m ActivateZero.

We’ve launched our service. There were many troubles before today, but anyway I’m delighted by it. And we were thanked by our customer and our relevant departments. I wanna start a next project soon, and I will succeed next one more than this one! But we were asked questions from our customer and the relevant departments every day, so we can’t move next project… Don’t you have experience like this?

The solutions to this is making FAQ before release as soon as possible.

Only publishing FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) can reduce asking rapidly. If you can’t publishing, then only making it can reduce a cost of answering to asking(Individualistic, Thinking answer etc) rapidly.

It needs some cost to make FAQ, but from my experience, making FAQ helps to review my understanding, and it helps to advance to share the awareness, as a consequence it helps reduce a cost of the project(Prevention reworking, Prevention troubles after release, etc).

It helps to show an output, and it helps to succeed know-how, so I recommend it.

If you like it, please try it.

Thank you.


〜 Following sentences are in Japanese 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜





FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions:良くある質問とその答え)を公開しておくだけで、問合せ数が激減します。公開が難しい場合でも、整えておくだけで問合せ対応に要するコスト(属人性•回答検討時間etc)は大幅に削減することができます。






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